Upgrade 29 disabled group folders?

I recently upgraded my home Nextcloud server to version 29. I think that wound up disabling the group folders app.

I looked in the app store, and I see a beta version (17). I reenabled the version I already had installed (16.0.6) and it is working again.

My questions:

  1. is this expected behavior or did I do something wrong?

  2. is there a way to make sure all of my apps will remain available before starting an update?

There are too many apps to check them one-by-one before starting an update. :slight_smile:


The update screen in the Web UI shows which apps are compatible/not compatible when offering an upgrade. I believe it says Apps missing compatible version or something like that.

So, yes, it’s expected behavior if you upgrade Server and an app doesn’t have a published compatible version. :slight_smile:

Presumably there will be a new GF release that is v29 compatible in the relatively near future. Also, v28 is still well supported and will remain so for another 8 months (it will continue to receive security/bug fixes monthly like usual).

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Thanks - your explanation helped!