Upgrade 21.0.3 with Raspberry pi 4

few months ago I installed manually Nextcloud on my Raspberry pi 4 and updated it as new versions came.

After upgrading of v21.0.3 i had problem with the cronjobs, which i solved based on the help in the forums. By adding to /etc/php/7.3/mods-available/apcu.ini:

apc.enable_cli = 1

Nether the less, I still Nextcloud version 21.0.3 for the stable configuration and 22.1.0 RC1 version for the beta level.

Based on my understanding is Nextcloud 22 is already “stable”.

Is this a problem on my Raspberry pi 4? or is Nextcloud version 21.0.3 still the stable version for Raspberry pi configuration? (I do not use NextcloudPI)

If i decided to update manually (downloading the last nextcloud version), is there a way to transfer the database from one Nextcloud installtion in another Nextcloud installation?


Why do you not use update? Almost nobody uses this update way.
But if read backup and restore.
Also the MariaDB dump is perhaps not compatible.

Read this with “php occ updater/updater.phar”.
Use command line update if possible.

thanks @devnull for your answer\questions.

My Nextcloud shows only Nextcloud version 21.0.3 for the stable configuration and 22.1.0 RC1 version for the beta level.

That is why i guess something, in the process which check for new versions does not work on my Raspberry pi 4.

I updated to the beta version 22.1.0 RC1

Sometimes i do not understand Nextcloud.
Perhaps Nextcloud Stable 22 was not shipped to you.

Same problem here. I get on Beta with updater.phar 22.1.0 RC1

I´ve got similar problems on two installations (both on shared hostings):

  • A 20.0.11 that offers 21.0.3 (stable), and 21.0.4 RC1 on beta channel
  • A 21.0.03 no update on stable or 22.1.0 RC1 on beta channel

Does anyone know how to force an update?? Only thing I know is to get the source code an do a manual update…