Updating nextcloud, database, PHP

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The issue you are facing:

Good afternoon, I am wanting some guidance with updating my nextcloud install.

It seems every time I update the whole thing crashes and I spend days getting it back up, so I have not updated for a while.

I do not remember what the last issue was but, to get it back running the fix I found was to use this repository.


Nextcloud is really slow IMO so I am guessing moving to another database might help… I started with sqlite because I only have 5 users.

What would be the recommended steps to updating without crashing this again.

Thank you in advance!!!


Several recommendations really.

First of, consider setting up a completely new Nextcloud and then migrate all your stuff instead of trying to upgrade.

Secondly, SQLite is not performing well. Change to MariaDB or PostGreSQL. I am PostGreSQL user myself (I did run on MariaDB a couple of years), and after switching to this one, I have been impressed with stability and performance.

Setting up a new one:
Consider the “easy” way out and use one of the All In One options, like Docker or the VM. It comes with all the tweaks and optimizations you can think of, including the newest and most stable middleware and PHP.

Installing your own: This is time consuming. At first. But it gives you so much insight in what is actually going on, and you can choose the bits and pieces to your liking.

When it is running, you can now migrate users and data. There is several ways of doing this, including some build-for-purpose. The easiest might be to ask your 5 users to use this feature (the app is available for your nextcloud version):
User migration - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud However if they have a lot of data, it migt be “to big”.

The safest route, but which requires some work, is to first create the 5 users on your new instance, and then move the data from the old to the new, and then do a re-scan.

But first of all read this:

I never thought about just installing a new instance. This might be alot easier than i thought running in docker. When migrating will the extural storage and sharable links be moved with the database?