Updater from 12.05 to 13 doesn't finish and now my server is unavailable. Please help!

How do you know he broke 2 apps?

For months I have no access to nextcloud. When I go away I have a blank page and I can do nothing

In SSH how to disable these 2 applications ?

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ app:disable appname

When you see a white page and are on shared hosting, it probably means there are some unrecoverable PHP errors, but the webserver won’t display them for security considerations. Maybe you have some kind of webhosting panel, where you can see PHP / Apache Logs? That would be your first step to diagnose the error.

Also, when you cannot disable an app, try moving it out of the apps directory temporarily (have solid backups of course, before doing this). Maybe try moving out the theming app and see if the page shows up without it, I had some issues like this before.

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