Update to 11.0.1: Check for write permissions

  • root@owncloud:/var/www/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data ./occ maintenance:singleuser --on
  • Used the updater app for 11.0.0 to 11.0.1:

But permissions are okay:

root@owncloud:/var/www/nextcloud/updater# ll
total 648
drwxr-x— 2 www-data www-data 4096 Dec 13 13:24 ./
drwxr-x— 14 www-data www-data 4096 Dec 18 14:00 …/
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data 57353 Dec 13 13:24 index.php
-rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data 591718 Dec 13 13:24 updater.phar

Any idea?

  • Disabled SingleUserMode:

root@owncloud:/var/www/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data ./occ maintenance:singleuser --off

  • But still get the same error:

Check for write permissions
The following places can not be written to:

  • Manual update

Log from Web-Update:
Update to 11.0.1

    Following apps have been disabled: announcementcenter (3rdparty), apporder (3rdparty), audioplayer (3rdparty), bookmarks (3rdparty), calendar (3rdparty), contacts (3rdparty), files_markdown (3rdparty), keeweb (3rdparty), mail (3rdparty), notes (3rdparty), qownnotesapi (3rdparty), spreed (3rdparty), spreedme (3rdparty), tasks (3rdparty), twofactor_totp (3rdparty), twofactor_u2f (3rdparty)

Detailed logs
Preparing update
Set log level to debug
Turned on maintenance mode
Updating database schema
Updated database
[1 / 0]: Huhu … ich bin ein wichtiges
[2 / 0]: Offizielles Zertifikat
[3 / 0]: ownNote
[4 / 0]: ownNote: Nachtrag
[5 / 0]: Externe Inhalte
[6 / 0]: Nextcloud
[7 / 0]: Federated Sharing
[7 / 7]: Add read permissions for existing announcements
[9 / 9]: Purify and migrate collected mail addresses
[9 / 9]: Purify and migrate collected mail addresses
[1 / 31]: Drop old database table: calendar_calendars
[2 / 31]: Drop old database table: calendar_objects
[3 / 31]: Drop old database table: calendar_share_calendar
[4 / 31]: Drop old database table: calendar_share_event
[5 / 31]: Drop old database table: file_map
[6 / 31]: Drop old database table: foldersize
[7 / 31]: Drop old database table: fscache
[8 / 31]: Drop old database table: gallery_sharing
[9 / 31]: Drop old database table: locks
[10 / 31]: Drop old database table: log
[11 / 31]: Drop old database table: media_albums
[12 / 31]: Drop old database table: media_artists
[13 / 31]: Drop old database table: media_sessions
[14 / 31]: Drop old database table: media_songs
[15 / 31]: Drop old database table: media_users
[16 / 31]: Drop old database table: permissions
[17 / 31]: Drop old database table: pictures_images_cache
[18 / 31]: Drop old database table: principalgroups
[19 / 31]: Drop old database table: principals
[20 / 31]: Drop old database table: queuedtasks
[21 / 31]: Drop old database table: sharing
[22 / 31]: Drop old database table: clndr_calendars
[23 / 31]: Drop old database table: clndr_objects
[24 / 31]: Drop old database table: clndr_share_event
[25 / 31]: Drop old database table: clndr_share_calendar
[26 / 31]: Drop old database table: clndr_repeat
[27 / 31]: Drop old database table: contacts_addressbooks
[28 / 31]: Drop old database table: contacts_cards
[29 / 31]: Drop old database table: contacts_cards_properties
[30 / 31]: Drop old database table: gallery_albums
[31 / 31]: Drop old database table: gallery_photos
[31 / 31]: Drop old database tables
[1 / 4]: Remove old (< 9.0) calendar/contact shares
[2 / 4]: Remove old (< 9.0) calendar/contact shares
[3 / 4]: Remove old (< 9.0) calendar/contact shares
[4 / 4]: Remove old (< 9.0) calendar/contact shares
[4 / 4]: Remove old (< 9.0) calendar/contact shares
[1 / 2]: Fix permissions so avatars can be stored again
[1 / 1]: Fix permissions so avatars can be stored again
Starting code integrity check
Finished code integrity check
Turned off maintenance mode
Reset log level
Following apps have been disabled: announcementcenter (3rdparty), apporder (3rdparty), audioplayer (3rdparty), bookmarks (3rdparty), calendar (3rdparty), contacts (3rdparty), files_markdown (3rdparty), keeweb (3rdparty), mail (3rdparty), notes (3rdparty), qownnotesapi (3rdparty), spreed (3rdparty), spreedme (3rdparty), tasks (3rdparty), twofactor_totp (3rdparty), twofactor_u2f (3rdparty)

  • Update successfull to 11.0.1

Is this an issue for GitHub?

Should I post it there?