Update nextcloud-aio containers to use latest after backup

Nextcloud version: 29.0.4
Operating system and version : ubuntu 22
Apache or nginx version : 2.4.52

The issue you are facing:
Hi everyone, i’ve recently changed my nextcloud-aio from one VPS to another and i used the backup to restore it. Everything works ok. I used something like this to start the new containers in the new instance for an exact match of the backed-up version:

sudo docker run --sig-proxy=false --name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer --restart always --publish 81:80 --publish 8081:8080 --publish 8443:8443 \
--volume nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --env NEXTCLOUD_MEMORY_LIMIT=2048M \ 
--env NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=10G --env NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR="/opt/nextcloud" nextcloud/all-in-one:latest

My issue is that i see this message now:

Nextcloud AIO v9.4.1
No channel was found. This means that AIO is not able to update itself and its component and will also not be able to report about updates. Updates need to be done externally. 

I am suspecting that this is happening because the containers are running based on the image i used during backup nextcloud/all-in-one:20240808_083748 (all containers are running with that same tag). I would like to update all images but i’m afraid i will lose something.
What would be the best way to stop and run the docker run command again without losing any data?

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Start nextcloud-aio mastercontainer using a specific tag
  2. Mount external backup using SSHFS
  3. Restore backup
  4. Unmount backup
  5. Open AIO interface and check update channel

Does anyone have any idea please? time is running and i don’t want to have an outdated version for long :frowning:

I have the same issue and I also suspect that it’s because I used a fixed image version in the Dockerfile:

    image: nextcloud/all-in-one:20240925_080419

Yes, the problem was using a fixed tag for the Nextcloud AIO image:

    image: nextcloud/all-in-one:20240925_080419

With the fixed tag I was getting the following warning on the NExtcloud AIO Interface page: "No channel was found. This means that AIO is not able to update itself and its component and will also not be able to report about updates. Updates need to be done externally. "

I have replaced the fixed Nextcloud AIO image tag with latest in my Dockerfile:

    image: nextcloud/all-in-one:latest

and then pulled and redeployed the stack in Portainer. Now the warning is gone: " You are running the latest channel."

Not sure why it is like this, but I’m not overjoyed by having to use the latest AIO image. I like having control over when I update the image…