Update - Nextcloud 18.x Pictures in Public Folders download instead of preview

Update: See hier, it is new in 18. So for all there out, If you need Previews in public shared folders, don’t upgrade to 18…

was …

Update: This is for folders with external Links to share. Not in admin-modus

Hi there, I have a problem. Before upgrading to 18.x every picture in a folder just popped on the the screen after clicking on it. Now every time it downloads it immediately. Can I somewhere change this behavior? I want to click through the pictures in the bigger view again. Thanks for help and sorry if it was asked before.

You just fall in the nice trap of quick upgrade before testing it.
The New Photo app lack a lot of features, Nextcloud dev have a route to correct this holes.
Normally with 18.0.3 you won’t have this problem

Yes you are right. Thats my fault. Updating was so easy since 11 or so. I forgot the rule. Never change a running system. :nerd_face:

if you’d post the github-issue in an extra answer this would mark the solution of this thread. this forumsoftware doesn’t take into account that threadstarting-posts could come up with a solution as well so it can’t be marked as being a solution… i’m sorry

sorry for my newbie mess. The solution is in progress as I understand the discussion at GitHub. There is no solution for now.

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that’s right… but we agreed that if there was an issue posted on github it would mean that there is nothing more to do here on the forum… so it would “solve” this issue for the forum. in a rather unhappy way, I’d agree.