I was coming from version 15.0 and was updating via the browser. Everything was going ok until I tried to update to version 20.0 which gave me the message “Update in progress” and now I can’t log in at all. I don’t know what to do from here. What info should I provide for some help?
First of all you needs to make sure you are also upgrading PHP versions and webserver and database software at the side, when you comes from such old version.
In the nextcloud install directory an update folder is created which contains backups of your current aswell as an update status file. Deleting this folder - and ONLY that folder - and then disabling maintenance mode, could solve the issue for you.
However if database updates has been initiated successfully, you have to do a manual update and then a repair of your system. Nextcloud documentation has instructions of how to do this.
As with everything, you could just re-import the backup from the update folder to roll back to a working Nextcloud.
Thank you for replying!
I do not have an /update folder in my nextcloud directory, don’t know why. My current version of PHP is 7.2.16 and also found this under the status.php file:
I’ve been looking on how to do the manual update but can’t really find something specific on how to do it (with the server repair).
You definately has to update to PHP 7.4 before continuing upgrading to never nextcloud. For this, install all versions up to newest php 8 to have them on your system and run your update using CLI OCC pointing at the designated php version needed for the particular Nextcloud version. Then for eavh successfull update, switch used PHP version by your webserver or PH-FPM, and when updated to latest version, do the needed configs to your php.ini files for the used PHP version. It does not remember your configs.from current running PHP version, so those has to be manually “moved”. You cannot just overwrite php.ini file with the original php.ini file from before you started upgrading. So you have to add those configs you did to the new one aswell as any required additional changes due to newer version.
Doing it like this, you can control the upgrade and make sure your upgrade works before continuing. If an upgrade fails, then CLI approach give you access to rollback aswell.
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