Update from 17.0.3 to 18.0.1 failed with webupdate facilty - white screen

i tried to update from 17.0.3 to 18.0.1 with the webupdate facility. The first steps were succesful. I then had to select either console and webupdate. After clicking the option for webupdate I got a blank white screen in my brother and nothing happened any more. If I call my nextcloud from an other browser i alo get a white screen. The maitenance mode in config.php is set to false. I set it to true, then I got the normal blue Maintenance mode screen. Setting it back to false resulted again in a white screen. I found a "CAN INSTALL " 0 byte file in the config directory.
Any ideas how to go on?

Bump ! Same issue here…

I succeeded in getting my Nextcloud instance to work again by running in the following command

sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade
(from your nextcloud folder)

I was then faced with some non critical and easy to solve errors in the settings page.

Hi, Can you tell me if you have access to the Applications and Users page? Because personally after upgrading to version 18.0.1 I have nothing left on these pages. Thank you
My post https://help.nextcloud.com/t/mise-a-jour-17-0-3-vers-18-0-1-applications-et-utilisateurs-absents

I had no access to any nextcloud (simple a white page in Firefox). In Edge I got a http error 500 message. Now I am going to over install the old nextcloud files with the new 18.0.1 via FTP. I hope this will work. I have no access to a console, as I use a webhosting environment.

disable app by app and try again

My message above solved the issue (if you have ssh access - command line terminal)

I just managed to get nextcloud working again by finishing the FTP approach. After changing all the old files (except those in /data and /config) to the 18.0.1 files I was able to log in and the update process contiuned where it stopped before.
I hope this will not happen again as it costs me 3 hours working time.
I personally would regard this as a work around not as a real “solution”.

I disabled all apps and didn’t have white screen anymore. After update was done enabled all apps back and this way was fastest upgrade with eliminating white screen.

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