Update, bug. Files Web App not displaying folder description after NC 28 when navigating from Favorites

Unsure what you mean. You say it seems to be a bug, but it works for you? Are you on 27 and it works for you?

It does work on my 28.0.1 test instance, so I’m not sure why it doesn’t work for you. Maybe some app you have installed is causing it…?

I’m only using a few nextcloud official apps. Unsure why this would cause it to not work. It always worked before 28, same apps.

Curious, what browser are you using? I’m using Firefox v122 64bit on Win10

Same here.

No, I tested it on NC 28.0.1 and it was working for me.

It is actually not that uncommon for apps to cause side effects, so it can definitely make sense to disable the apps one by one in order to see if an issue disappears after disabling a certain app.

However, I don’t have a definitive answer as to what is causing your issue, which is why I wrote: “I’m not sure why it doesn’t work for you. Maybe some app you have installed is causing it…?” …with a question mark at the end. :wink:

Ok, tested other account and works fine. So question is why has it stopped working for my account, but works fine for a test account on same server?

I also rebuilt a fresh install of nextcloud. Tested with new install and works. However, I restored my data and now it’s broken for my account. Any ideas why this is happening? Why should it matter which account I use to login and use nextcloud? Why should that break a key feature?

Hi @flotillaropes, do you have any logs related to your issue?

The logs are clean

Hi @flotillaropes, Did your issue occur in all of your folders?
a new update of NC 28 has been released since yesterday, have you upgraded?

I’m glad you asked as the issue occurs with virtually all folders. However, occasionally it works on a random folder. I did update to 28.02 hoping the issue would be resolved, but sadly it remains.

@flotillaropes I don’t know how to help you… there is nothing about your issue (no logs).
Have you tried this command? occ maintenance:repair
I don’t think it will solve your problem, but it’s worth a try.

This command has to be executed by lunix owner of nextcloud server folder and from inside this folder.
you can also use this command :
sudo -u user php8.0 /.../nextcloud/occ maintenance:repair


  • user by yours (example: www-data)
  • php8.0 by your version of PHP (example : php8.2)
  • and /…/ by your path of nextcloud server folder

Yes, but didn’t solve the issue. Interestingly on mobile apps, the folder info does display on top. It’s the browser files app that has the issue.

Hoping someone else can chime in from nextcloud team. I’ve been a nextcloud user since version 10 so a long time and know nextcloud pretty well. I never had this issue until the update to 28. I understand the files app was rewritten for 28. Something broke with folder info and it very well may be obscure. I hope someone from the nextcloud team will jump in and join the effort to get this resolved. Where can I file an official bug report on gibhub?

What about your browser console logs?

Clean as far as I can tell

@flotillaropes here is the official GitHub to post issues Issues · nextcloud/server · GitHub

UPDATE, I believe I have pinpointed this issue and it appears to be a bug. It’s a bit obscure, but I will post how to reproduce below. Hoping others can reproduce and report back.

Describe the bug:
File info does not display when navigating to a folder or adding file info to a folder when navigating to said folder from favorites.

To reproduce the bug:
Super quick way. If you already have a folder with a Readme.md file and it displays the folder info properly. Add that folder to Favorites and then navigate back to that folder from Favorites. The folder info will not display.

Or, the longer way ( but still easy )

  1. In File settings, check show folder description is checked.
  2. Create a folder and add description. You will see the folder info displayed in top pane as designed.
  3. Add this folder to favorites. Navigate away from this folder and then return to this folder from favorites. The folder info does not display.
  4. From the folder which you just navigated to from favorites, add a new child folder, select that folder and add description. The file info does not display. Now, navigate away from this folder and return to it directly and you will see folder info displayed.

Notice, the URL’s are different when navigating to a folder directly or from folders.

This url will display the folder description above the folders

This url will NOT display the folder description above the folders

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Filed a bug: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/43402

I filed a bug report for this over a month ago. Since then, 2 maintenance releases have happened and this bug has not been addressed. The files app is the core functionality of nextcloud and thus I would think a bug which directly affects this basic functionality would be high priority. This bug was introduced in the files app rewrite and is not being fixed despite so trivial to reproduce.

This bug degrades the user experience. As nextcloud doesn’t have a tree view in the files app, favorites are the ideal way to navigate. With this bug one has to click through many levels deep to locate a folder just to display the file info rather than navigating from favorites. Depending on how deeply nested a folder is, this can mean clicking many times navigating to a nested folder rather than just once.

So disappointing!