Unhash updater secret

So I run in the updater-problem where you have to “login you need to provide the unhashed value of “updater.secret” in your config file.”
I can find my config file and find that secret, but when I go to websites to “unhash” it, I get the message it’s no correct secret.
In the past I tried reaching the terminal (my nextcloud is on my webhosting space), but never found guidelines on how to use that. I also asked about it on the forum, but no reaction to that question either. So using the terminal to find the unhashed secret, is not possible.
Any clues?

The basic idea of a hash function is that you can’t invert it easily. Depending on the hash and energy and resources, you might want to find a collision that solves your hash (two different inputs can give the same hash output).

What you want to do is to reset the updater secret to something you know. There is a code snippet that you can use to create a new one:

It gives you the updater secret and the hash-value to put into the config file.

Other way, just use the updater on the command line (same linked discussion, just the post before).

I cannot use command or SSH, my NextCloud is on a webserver or hosting (how do I call this?)

It doesn’t seem to work well, I’m trying for months to get it updated, but I always have the time-out issues sooner or later. I could get passed the backup-step 3, by changing the .step file (since I could see it kept making backups, only reporting it failed).

Previously the download-step failed, which worked this time.

Now it hangs at the deleting old files (and I couldn’t restart the update-process because of maintenance mode, so now I’m stuck, again, in the Authentication screen).

I cannot use the command line, and all solutions seem to need that.

Nextcloud is very limited on a webspace. Partly you can use the app OCC Web. Basically I advise you to use a Managed Nextcloud or a Nextcloud e.g. on a VPS. You can get both solutions for e.g. 5 euro a month. Use this solutions especially if the data is important.

First: Make a backup of all data including config. Also export the database if possible.

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OCC Web isn’t useable anymore once you’re in maintenance mode…

Yes? I think you can configure config/config.php

'maintenance' => false,

Sorry not tested.

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I’ll try it next time I run in that trouble.

For now, I give up and stay at 23.0.3.