Unable to Sync Files - Service Unavailable

Nextcloud version: 12.0.5
Operating system and version: CentOS 7.4
Apache or nginx version: Apache 2.4.6-67
PHP version : PHP 7.1

The issue you are facing:

I have recently installed NextCloud, version 12.0.5 on a CentOS 7 server, following both NextCloud’s documentation as well as Vultr’s. While I am able to log in and access the web interface, file sync is totally not working. On the Windows 10 desktop client, it fails with the message “Service Unavailable”. The Android client fails as well due to the server being in “maintenance mode”. I also can’t access any files through the web interface either and receive the message (for the manual, but all files fail to load similarly): Unexpected server response (503) while retrieving PDF “https://cloud.michaelpaulmeno.com/remote.php/webdav/Nextcloud%20Manual.pdf”.

My first instinct was to comment out the bit in the Apache config file which disabled the DAV module, but that did no good. I also changed the permissions for remote.php to 777 for testing, which did not help. I followed the administration manual’s instructions regarding SELinux (which I have set to enforcing) and even moved remote.php to being http_sys_rw_content_t instead of just http_sys_r_content_t, but that did not help. I also tried disabling mod_evasive and changing remote.php to be owned by apache instead of root. Does anyone have any insights?

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging (sample):

	Sabre\DAV\Exception\ServiceUnavailable: Could not open file

    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php - line 85: OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\File->get()
    [internal function] Sabre\DAV\CorePlugin->httpGet(Object(Sabre\HTTP\Request), Object(Sabre\HTTP\Response))
    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/event/lib/EventEmitterTrait.php - line 105: call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php - line 479: Sabre\Event\EventEmitter->emit('method GET', Array)
    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php - line 254: Sabre\DAV\Server->invokeMethod(Object(Sabre\HTTP\Request), Object(Sabre\HTTP\Response))
    /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/appinfo/v1/webdav.php - line 76: Sabre\DAV\Server->exec()
    /var/www/nextcloud/remote.php - line 162: require_once('/var/www/nextcl...')

Error	PHP	fopen(/var/nc-data/peon/files/Nextcloud Manual.pdf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Local.php#277

The output of your Apache/nginx/system log in /var/log/access_log: - - [05/Feb/2018:22:18:13 -0500] "GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications HTTP/1.1" 200 1360 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100$ - peon [05/Feb/2018:22:18:25 -0500] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/peon/ HTTP/1.1" 207 545 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)" - peon [05/Feb/2018:22:18:29 -0500] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/peon/ HTTP/1.1" 207 512 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)" - peon [05/Feb/2018:22:18:37 -0500] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/peon/ HTTP/1.1" 207 492 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)" - - [05/Feb/2018:22:18:43 -0500] "GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications HTTP/1.1" 200 1360 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100$ - peon [05/Feb/2018:22:18:55 -0500] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/peon/ HTTP/1.1" 207 545 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)" - peon [05/Feb/2018:22:19:07 -0500] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/peon/ HTTP/1.1" 207 492 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)"

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