Unable to set ldap configuration with empty configID

Hi All,

i’m currently trying to update my ldap configuration on my test server. I have moved my ldap server to another network, so the ip address has changed, and now i would like to update the host in the nextcloud ldap configuration.

when i try the command:

occ ldap:set-config "" ldapHost "ldaps://"

it gives me the following error:

Not enough arguments (missing: "configID").

ldap:set-config <configID> <configKey> <configValue>

I already found this closed github issue. The proposed workaround seems not to work.

Does anyone have an idea how i could update my ldap host server?

I am running nextcloud 12.0.3 within the a docker container from wonderfall. I’m executing the command by logging into the docker-container:

docker exec -it myncinstance /bin/sh

Is it possible to change it elsewhere (configuration file SQL-DB)

Thanks in advance



PS: I can’t login with my admin account. I get an error message “Internal server error”

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