Unable to set by default profile privacy settings

Nextcloud version (eg, 20.0.5) : 25.0.7
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04) : Debian 11
PHP version (eg, 7.4) : 8.1

I’m trying to make more restrictive our default privacy settings without having to disable profiles, but I’m failing. What I want to achieve is hide any user details by default, so if a non logged user access https://mynextcloudinstance.com/u/[user_id] just found a page with no details.

From user profile page is as simple as set all visibility settings as “Show only to users” and works fine. But the problem comes when I try to set it as default for every new user. I’ve followed the instructions indicated on admin_manual and set this in my config.php file

'account_manager.default_property_scope' => [
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_ADDRESS => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_WEBSITE => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_EMAIL => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_AVATAR => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_PHONE => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_TWITTER => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_ORGANISATION => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_ROLE => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_HEADLINE => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE,
  \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::PROPERTY_BIOGRAPHY => \OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager::SCOPE_PRIVATE

But when I create a new user all visibility settings are the same than before: avatar, biography, headline, organization. role… are visible to anyone. Is just ignoring those scope settings.

I dive in database and found 2 different tables related to this topic: oc_accounts (which seems to store the “scope” related settings by user) and oc_profile_config (with seems to store user profile “visibility” settings

oc_accounts value for the new user stores “correct” settings, at least as I defined in config.php
{"displayname":{"value":"My new user name","scope":"v2-local","verified":"0"},"address":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"website":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"email":{"value":"mynewuser@email.com","scope":"v2-local","verified":"1"},"avatar":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"phone":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"twitter":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"organisation":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"role":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"headline":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"biography":{"value":"","scope":"v2-private","verified":"0"},"profile_enabled":{"value":"1","scope":"v2-local","verified":"0"}}

But oc_profile_visibilty stores a different one. The ones that make publicy available some private information.


Maybe I’m missing some important concept? Is profile visibly a different setting from profile scope? Is it possible to set default visibility settings without having to completely disable profiles?

The setting will only be taken into account for new users.

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That’s clear @szaimen, and is written in admin manual . This happens with NEW users. I know that existing ones won’t change their settings.

Then no idea :man_shrugging:

I would like to know if you were able to finally find the correct configuration.