Unable to map network drive via webdav in Windows 10

I followed the instructions here:

I’m using a self signed certificate.

I either get the authentication screen continuously popping up or “The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occured: The nework logon failed.”

I’m able to connect using Cyberduck.

I have the same issue. Did you solve this? There are several other related webdav issues but none to address this Logon failed.

I have otp login enabled so I am using app password, which should work, but not able to logon with webdav from win10.

i think that (not only) windows won’t accept self signed certificates (unless you haven’t got them imported into windows). especially if you’d try to connect via https (try http, instead)

i dunno if freeware raidrive is picky about it, as well. but usually it works like a charm.

Yes, seems to be ssl certificate issue.

So I’ll have to import nextcloud server certificate to windows?