Unable to login & access to Nextcloud server 21 from both iOS app and iOS web browsers

Nextcloud version 21.
Operating system and version: Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS
PHP version 7.4
Nextcloud/Apache instance behind nginx reverse proxy
Installation made by Daniel Hansson (Hansson IT) nextcloud provider.


  1. I can’t access (https://cloud.mydomain.com/) from Safari on my Mac.
    Error message: "Safari cannot open the page. Safari cannot open ‘https://cloud.mydomain.com/’. The error is: “cannot parse response” (NSURLErrorDomain:-1017)

However, I can login and access from any other browser (Edge & Chrome)

  1. Tests performed on iPhone (iOS 14):
    (A) I cannot access to https://cloud.mydomain.com/ directly in any browser (Chrome, Edge and Safari).
    e.g. in Chrome the error message received was: “cannot access to this webpage. It is possible that [https://cloud.mydomain.com] is temporarily inactive or be moved to another address. ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE"

(B) Cannot login and access using Nextcloud iOS app. Error: “Connection error
The answer cannot be analyzed”

All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance

Did so solved your problem? I have the same.

I think it’s a problem related with HTTP/2. It works without.

I had the same issue. I solved it by adding the following line in the nginx reverse proxy config:

proxy_hide_header Upgrade;

After that listen 443 ssl http2; still working for iOS :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing, this helped fixed the problem for me as well!

Hi. I find this topic still a present day issue.
I know is a log time by now. But I am running in same issue with my wife iPhone. Android works very well.
So where exactly you put that line?
In the custom nginx configuration for the specific host? (see screenshot here)
Thank you