Unable to connect to account through https

I installed NextCloud docker (tag NextCloud:latest) container in my Synology NAS. It is accessible in local network by using http://cavrnas:8080 and https://cavrnas:446. Note that I am also using reverse proxy. Thus somewhere in the nginx/Default.conf file in nginx reverse proxy container, I insert the line

error_page 497 https://$host:446$request_uri;

so that the reverse proxy can forward https 446 to the http 8080.

Note that I am using 446 as the usual 443 is already used by Synology NAS Disktation.

And now I intend to use Windows NextCloud client to access the NextCloud. It works if I use server address http://cavrnas:8080 when I set up an account in the client. The NextCloud client will open the webpage and I am presented with this


and afterward, this page for granting access


Once I clicked Grant Access, I am back to the NextCloud client and it could work nicely.

However, if I use https://cavrnas:446 as the server address, it got stuck in the grant access page (second image). Nothing happened if I press the “Grant Access” button. Thus, I am unable to use the NextCloud client desktop app to connect to my NextCloud server through https. Can anybody help me with this ?


I remember have had similar issue with a new account in a latest Client Version, but error seems differen. As soon as you already sync via HTTP, try simply to change you URL in Client Configuration to the https://cavrnas:446. Your Windows Client config is saved under:






And restart the client.

Ah I forgot to say…I had done it before…and when I restarted the client, it said that it had been logged out and it required us to log-in again, thus redoing the same process again.

There is a bug there, and at least 2 workarounds in comments:

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Thanks, the 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https' solution worked!

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