Unable to connect from internet

I installed nexcloud on freenas, and i am able to access it from my LAN, but not from web/internet.

  • I enabled port forwarding on my router…
  • config.php file was updated…to include -lan ip/wan ip/dns hostname

But when i try to use the hostname/ public IP from internet, i get redirected to freenas login page…

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated

  • Can you locally access Nextcloud off the ip on your network?
  • Check your port forwarding and DNS to make sure they actually work.
  • Ask the FreeNAS forums since they would specialize more closely with your exact setup.

Something is incorrectly configured. Not possible to assist you without more detailed logs.

  • Can you locally access Nextcloud off the ip on your network? - using lan ip i am able to access nextcloud…but from wan …using my static public ip it fails…
    I also checked running a portscan , so the requsite port 80 is open for job…isp dont seem to be blocking it

  • Check your port forwarding and DNS to make sure they actually work.
    I found the same port was being used by freenas as well…so after changing the port mapping i get below message

“400 Bad Request
The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

  • Ask the FreeNAS forums since they would specialize more closely with your exact setup.
  • freenas seem to be working fine from both lan/wan…

Thanks for your assistance…:slight_smile:

– Can u tell me how can i pull more logs…

https is port 443

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