UI PDF Viewer mix up with Nextcloud UI

Hi can someone troubleshoot this issue. When i mak share folder that file pdf in that, when i open it as anonymous it will mix up UI between pdfviewer and nextcloud UI. I can’t open tag tools in pdfviewer.

Do you have the same issue on a desktop browser?

Just to narrow it down a bit, in case you wanted to report a bug, the versions of Nextcloud and the used browser/OS would be required.

In desktop is okay but when i open in mobile browser like android or iphon like chrome in mobile it got clash UI.

Nextcloud verision 30.0.5 now currently using.

But same issue occured when i reinstall old version

I found this bug report:

In this bug report you gave have a solution?

They have a link to the text editor, where they were able to change things. But I didn’t have the time to get through this in detail nor the time to verify.

Normally, once there is a solution, they will link the corresponding pull request, and with the pull request, you will be able to see in which version the fix will be released.