UCS-OVA import (ESXi 6.5u2): "So far the authentication failed"

Hallo zusammen,
Hello everybody,

weiß jemand mehr über diese Meldung:
(bzw. was an dieser Stelle passiert?)
does anyone know more about this message:
(or what happens at this point?

Nextcloud information

Import der aktuellen Nextcloud UCS OVA in ESXi6.5u3 läuft durch, die VM startet automatisch und gibt diese Meldung aus anstatt der Konfigurationsabfragen.
Import of the current Nextcluod UCS OVA in ESXi6.5 runs and the VM starts automatically. Instead of the normal configuration queriess, only this message is displayed.

Ich habe noch einige ESXi6.7u2, dort läuft es problemfrei!
I have some other ESXi 6.7u2 there it runs without problems!


have you put that question at ucs userforum as well?

it might get an answer earlier there…
and if you did - it would be nice if you’d post the solution from there with a link here.

thank you in advance.

Hi JimmyKater,

thanks for the hint, did not know of a separate forum -> I will post it there tomorrow.

I still have ideas for solutions myself -> I’ll try them tomorrow.
Either way, I’m giving feedback.

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