Tutorial: How to setup Nextcloud with PHP7.0 and ngix on a Synhology NAS with DMS 6 (in progress)


1. backup your diskstation.

Besides just copying all your files to an external drive, you find more details in Synology’s KB How to back up your Synology NAS but regard reset / reinstall DSM does not work. In addition, the Note Station allows to export all notes as in explaiend in Managing Note Station

2. reset your diskstation

see Synology 's tutorial on YouTube for details.

3. install the following packages
  1. Hyper Backup, for restoring the backup

  2. Antivirus Essential, I have no clue how good it is but better than nothing it is

  3. Log Center, logging is essential for debugging

  4. php 5.6, necessary for phpMyAdmin

  5. phpMyAdmin for database adminstration

  6. php 7.0, necessary for nextcloud

  7. MariaDB 10, for the nextcloud database

  8. DNS Server, to forget about the IP of the diskstation and call it by name, e.g. www.mynas.local

  9. Note Station, as long as there isn’t a way to migrate to a nextcloud counterpart

  10. Web Station, to make the diskstation web server ready

  11. Java 8 if you want to run java based application after this installation, as I intend to do. If your model si not supported as mine follow Java SE Embedded package for Synology NAS