Trying to set up ONLYOFFICE on nextcloud (Hetzner)


I got a nextcloud instance at Hetzner. I wanted to set up “ONLYOFFCE”. I first downloaded and enabled ONLYOFFCE (7.8.0) from the apps panel. Then I installed the “Community Document Server” (0.1.13).

It doesn’t show up in the bar with the other apps like calendar and files.

I then removed ONLYOFFICE and redownloaded and enabled it.

It still doesn’t show up.

Do I need to set up something else?

does anyone have advice?

nevermind, I am a clown. It was installed and it is working when I open files that require an office application. I was assuming that it would have its own icon at the top, next to files and calendar.

Everything is working :+1:t5: