I’m now walking away from using NEXTCLOUD for my home based storage idea.
I’ve been let down BIG time by Microsoft who lost files and couldn’t care less in getting them back either - thus me looking for another solution.
I’ve now spend over a month and probably tried about 15 times to install NEXTCLOUD on a clean Linux Ubuntu 22.04 server - and failed miserably everytime. And when I got on YouTube all I get from NEXTCLOUD is videos all about new features and presentations - one presentation after another presentation - I’ve never met a group of people that are so utterly interested in presentations then this lot - god do they love it. But actual videos about installing and running NEXTCLOUD fails everytime - there are loads of videos I have tried - and everyone of them uses different installations - and nearly all of them forget to include items you need to consider before you can move on.
After over a month of intense trials I’m now getting to the stage of walking away from this concept - if installing it already is so utterly difficult - what will it be like when your running this in your home environment - and what happens is one of the lines in the config.php - or the config.conf or the php.ini is not working - you can eventually forget your files all together and need help from an engineer and I will probably spend more months fixing and trying to get my files back then I had with Microsoft.
Sorry guys - good luck and hope you all do very well - but I’m done with NEXTCLOUD - not for home users - ONLY FOR WELL PAID IT ENGINEERS that work with this on a daily basis and know Linux inside out.
I’ve tried but now fedup with it all.
Kindest regards to all of you.
CptnKirk over and out.