Timeline for Getting an App on the App Store


My team and I are building an app that supports forms such as surveys and quizzes. What we would like to know is, independent of actual app dev, how long does it take to get an app approved and posted on the App Store. To be more specific, how long does it take to get a public certificate, get registered, and be able to post releases of our app? Does it take a while for the verification to be completed at each step or is it a quick process?

We would like to know this to be able to incorporate it into our timeline.

Thanks in advance!

Hi !

In my experience, it does not take more than a day or two (took one for me).
You can check here the time it took for the latest certificates.

The only kind of “approval” is getting your certificate signed (only needed once per app) so you can publish your app to the app store. Otherwise you are quite free to publish your app as you wish.

Sing-up, publishing apps and so on? A few minutes probably. If you need your cert signed faster maybe @MorrisJobke can help you.