Those using primary Object Storage such as DO Spaces or Wasabi S3, how is performance?

Curious on how others find performance when switching all their primary Nextcloud storage to Wasabi S3 or similar. See documentation here.

how to switch? is there a migration path?

Info is in the admin documentation here. That is why I’m curious to hear how well it works. :slight_smile:

to you have a use case?
you and your family uploading smartphone pictures or enterprise level with 100k users simultaneous accessing documents via onlyoffice?

if you want to test: you can use this playbook plus aws keys and get a test environment in 5-10 minutes.

but that only works - imho - when you install nextcloud. i’m wondering how to migrate an existing installation and backup/restore a s3 based environment.

My concern is whether S3 runs well mounted within Nextcloud. As a general rule, all external and federated storage I’ve added to my instance of Nextcloud run very poorly… slow, slow, slow. Just me and family. I have not tried S3 so I’m curious about it. Any suggestions appreciated.

My installation on an web-server with “Wasabi S3 as primary storage and encryption enabled” runs very slow. Even to open the calendar.
further test-installations on the same ionos server with “Wasabi S3 as primary storage without encryption” or local file storage with and without encryption are much faster.

Still searching for a solution to config NC with Wasabi S3 and encryption as primary storage to run at acceptable speed.

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What actual transfer speeds are you getting with Wasabi S3 and no encryption vs with encryption?
How slow is Wasabi to work vs just literal local storage?

I would also be interested in hearing more details about performance. Also I think it would be worth noting your maximum upload/download bandwidth, and any other parameters that might be relevant to S3 such as number of concurrent connections (not sure if that’s a thing, but it is with Backblaze B2).

Because I currently am only interested in why the calendar shows extremely slow, I couldn’t measure transfer speeds of anything. I even didn’t check if a file transfer speed wich “primary S3 & encryption” is slow or not.

But what I found out just now:
After entering: php7.3-cli occ encryption:disable
the calendar takes about 2 seconds to show
After entering: php7.3-cli occ encryption:enable
the calendar takes about 15 seconds to show.
The whole user interface is very slow with “S3 primary storage encrypted”
(Calendar is in one month view with a few small sub-calendars just to show collegues how it will look like when it will work)

when i testet my playbook on a t3.large at aws with aws s3 I couldn’t feel any difference.

but i didn’t use calendar and encryption. nor did i upload 3mio files.

again: take a fresh server at a hoster offering s3 storage and test yourself. should be sufficient to insert secret/access key here. if you are not at aws you need to enter also the other values. check the nextcloud manual.

With one of my quickly created four nextcloud test-instances (Wasabi S3 as primary storage without encryption) I even didn’t feel any slowing down. It works perfectly fine.

Is Wasabi still performing well for you? Curious to hear if it worked out.

For file syncing in NextCloud the Wasabi S3 storage seemed to be something slow. At least for my tries with syncing a CryptoMator encrypted vault and quite a few files. But I can’t compare Wasabi with other S3 storages.
So finally no one in our company currently uses file sync in NextCloud at all.

What not pay for Digital Ocean Spaces or similar storage that has higher speeds and guaranteed uptime? It costs more money, but surely worth it for your business. Wasabi is bottom of the barrel in both cost and performance fwiw, especially if you work for a company. Hope this offers a possible answer to add at least some level of reliable storage. :+1:

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