Task category selection list is always empty on new tasks

I only see the assigned categories. On new tasks there is always a grey “List is empty.”
Could the categories please be collected from my other tasks?

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. All my previously created categories are displayed if I create a new task. Please describe IN DETAIL, which environment you’re on, which software versions you are using and provide a description how this problem can be reproduced. It might be a good idea to provide a screenshot which shows the available categories etc. :wink:

Hello j-ed,

thanks for your answer.

Attached you will find a screenshot of my tasks.

I’m using Firefox 68.9.0esr on Windows 10 Pro 1909, 64bit.
My nextcloud is a “Managed Nextcloud” at hosting.de

Unfortunately I have no idea what the underlying software components
are. From the admin interface I can only manage groups and users.
But that is the purpose of “Managed”, isn’t it?

I don’t consider this bug serious in any way, it’s only a bit annoying.

On the other side: I really love Nextcloud and all of its
outstanding features, especially “Talk”!


Ok, we’re definitely speaking about the same function, which works on my Nextcloud 18.0.6 without a problem. Do you have access to Settings > Management > Overview whee the Nextcloud version number is displayed?

Sorry, there is no Settings > Management. I will ask my hoster for the version used.

According to my hoster my Tasks App is v 0.12.1, which had this bug and was fixed in 0.13.0.
I will receive an update of my Nextcloud to V19 including apps in the near future.
So this topic can be closed

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