Nextcloud version (eg, 24.0.1): 24.0.3
Talk Server version (eg, 14.0.2): 14.0.3
Custom Signaling server configured: yes - 33dc5a554b496bd253bedbecc6755de514a64867
Custom TURN server configured: yes - coturn
Custom STUN server configured: yes - coturn
In case the web version of Nextcloud Talk is involved:
Operating system (eg, Windows/Ubuntu/ā¦): Ubuntu 20.04
Browser name and version (eg, Chrome v101): Chromium 103/Firefox 102
The issue you are facing:
When in a call participant video can freeze randomly, happens more in calls larger then 4 participants. They can still speak but cannot send video, unless they rejoin. They also might only drop out of grid view or cannot enter the room at all.
Is this the first time youāve seen this error? (Y/N): Has gotten worse the past Ā± 10 days, I cannot correlate this with any specific change.
Steps to replicate it:
- Start a call with more then 4 people
- Find some participant video freezes
So there is nothing in the logs to be found, I have not been able to replicate the issue myself. Just see it happen in meetings. I suspect these are users on poor network connections however they use other video call apps without issue.
One thing I have noticed our turn server is no longer using as much data. Talk or the clients seem to decide never to send the feeds through it any more. I have run all the tests on it, I can force using it using the relay command in the browser to test the server connection from within Talk. Then I see the expected data usage, we monitor the historic use in Zabbix. That is how I can see this data usage drop off since June.
We run Coturn on port 443 without ssl, we have the struktur AG / Spreed HPB.
Considering we are doing all the right things (?). I am at a loss and hope someone here has some insight in to this, any thanks in advance.
Edit: I have disabled ipv6 on the turnserver also, could be a issue(?) we have no AAAA record though.