Talk Application Not signaling properly

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Some or all of the below information will be requested if it isn’t supplied; for fastest response please provide as much as you can :heart:

Some useful links to gather information about your Nextcloud Talk installation:
Information about Signaling server: /index.php/index.php/settings/admin/talk#signaling_server
Information about TURN server: /index.php/settings/admin/talk#turn_server
Information about STUN server: /index.php/settings/admin/talk#stun_server

Not really sure about some of this since im using AIO

Nextcloud version (eg, 24.0.1): v27.0.0
Talk Server version (eg, 14.0.2): not sure
Custom Signaling server configured: yes de701dbcae52c77f3f98634cb9a61b15f79674ed
Custom TURN server configured: yes
Custom STUN server configured: yes
Nextcloud AIO Version: v6.2.1

In case the web version of Nextcloud Talk is involved:
Operating system (eg, Windows/Ubuntu/…): Ubuntu 23.04
Browser name and version (eg, Chrome v101): Brave v1.52.130

In case mobile Nextcloud Talk apps are involved:
Talk iOS version (eg, 14.0.2): v17.0.0
Talk Android version (eg, 14.0.2): v17.0.1

The issue you are facing:
When calling from the app the muted status is not correct.
In these test both sides microphones are allowed and open.

The behavior for one on one calls are as follows:
Android → Android : Voice works but both phones show the other’s participant as muted.
Android → IOS : Voice works but Android shows Iphone as muted, When the Android mutes the status is not reflected.
IOS → IOS : Everything works properly as expected
IOS → Android: Voice Works but Android shows Iphone as muted, when the android mutes the status is not reflected
Web → IOS: Works properly everything is reflected properly
IOS → Web: Works Properly everything is reflected properly
Web → Android: Voice Works but none of the statuses are reflected
Android → Web: Voice Does not work and obviously the mic status does not work properly

The behavior of group call (2 IOS 2 Android):
everyone Voice works
Android: Shows everyone as muted and everyone’s names show up correctly
IOS: Shows everyone properly but Android is Shown as guest.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Install AIO
  2. Call with the talk apps

Please request relevant logs since I have no idea where to look

Hey, there’s a known issue with Janus 1.x which is currently bundled with AIO, that doesn’t work properly with talk-android. look into compiling janus 0.x ourselves because Talk-android is not compatible with Janus 1.x currently · nextcloud/all-in-one · Discussion #2881 · GitHub
That could explain the problem you’re seeing, since the name of the data channel changed for Janus >= 1.0

oh wow thanks. Ill check it out. Does it break anything else?

AFAIK android is most impacted by this, web and iOS additionally use signaling messages so the problem should not be noticeable there. One thing that could also break is detecting who is currently speaking, because that’s only based on data channel. Nothing else comes to my mind right now.

right so if I were to downgrade to janus 0.x will it cause more issues? also is there an eta for the fix?