Hello, i’m using Nextcloud on oto.lv.tab.digital and i keep my files on there. However, when i logged in today i saw that a folder (which is really, really important to me) was empty! There were no files! I’ve contacted the support but no answers so far.
I’m sorry to hear this. The only user-side way to recover deleted files is checking trashbin - if nothing is there only tab.digital can help you - there no way anybody else can help.
I know:( I’ve contacted the support but no answer so far. I guess i will just wait then. I know they updated their servers 3/4 days ago so maybe that’s the problem? Maybe i need to wait for them to show up?
Even if files have been physically deleted on server they still should be listed in NC ! If folder/files itself have disappeared in NC, I would look more like wrong manipulations, or accounts compromised !
As stated by @wwe did you find back folder in bin of NC ?
What files history in NC says about that folder that has disappeared ?