Synology Hyper Backup

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use Synology Hyper Backup to connect to a remote Nextcloud server. Message is "
“Insufficient Privileges to access this destination folder”

I believe the the server is running the current verision of NC. It has been several years since I ran my own Nextcloud server so I forgot much. Does webdav automatically get enabled on a nextcloud server- is there sonme configs the admin needs to do to allow webdav connections?

I get this message as soon as I select the folder list box, I don’t even get to see a list of folders.

I would just use a local folder but Synolgy won’t allow encrypted backups to them, only remote servers.


I’d try to access the storage manually and try to place files there. If that doesn’t work either, then perhaps the shared folder permission settings are wrong. If that works, I’d check the Nextcloud server’s logfiles (the webserver), what kind of request synology is sending that probably get some denied or non existing resource.

Thank you for responding to my question regarding Synolgy Hyper BU.

I can access all directories on the NextCloud server and have been for a couple years with no issues. The NextCloud client works and I have no problems accessing all files using the web interface. This is the first time I have had any issues relating to file or directory rights.

In my original question I asked:

Blockquote Does webdav automatically get enabled on a nextcloud server- is there sonme configs the admin needs to do to allow webdav connections?

So what about that? If someone could reply to that it would probably help. Meanwhile I can check with the Nextcloud service I am using

usually yes but you can turn sharing off (webdav wouldn’t work then, I guess)… and then it stays off until one will turn it on again.

afaik permissions are not set apart from the one of the underlaying OS-setting. Have you checked those? (aww and of course there are apps you could use editing folder- and filepermissons)