Synchronization problem with Mac osx client

Hi. I have the nextcloud client installed on Mac osx with Mojave. When I want to sync large files from the server to the Mac, it prevents me from closing the connection to the file.

Can anyone tell me how to fix that?

What is large? Please name a size.

The screenshot contains spanish and I am unable to understand.
Unfortunately you did not include the log as text so using translation tools is failing.

What do you mean exactly?




[OCC::WebFlowCredentials::slotFinished request finished
[OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError “Conexión cerrada” QVariant(int, 207)
[OCC::WebFlowCredentials::stillValid QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError
[OCC::WebFlowCredentials::stillValid “Conexión cerrada”
[OCC::LsColJob::finished LSCOL of QUrl(“https://nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/luismi/Nube_Rafa/Catalogos_Lightroom/Catalogo Rafa/Rafa-2 Previews.lrdata/0”) FINISHED WITH STATUS “RemoteHostClosedError Conexión cerrada”
[OCC::LsColXMLParser::parse Invalid href “” expected starting with “/remote.php/dav/files/luismi/Nube_Rafa/Catalogos_Lightroom/Catalogo Rafa/Rafa-2 Previews.lrdata/0”
[OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::lsJobFinishedWithErrorSlot LSCOL job error “Conexión cerrada” 207 QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError
[csync_ftw opendir failed for Nube_Rafa/Catalogos_Lightroom/Catalogo Rafa/Rafa-2 Previews.lrdata/0 - errno 5
[OCC::SyncEngine::handleSyncError ERROR during csync_update : “Se produjo un error al abrir un directorio Conexión cerrada”
[OCC::ActivityWidget::addError Item “Nextcloud” retrieved resulted in “Se produjo un error al abrir un directorio Conexión cerrada”
[OCC::ActivityListModel::addErrorToActivityList Error successfully added to the notification list: “Se produjo un error al abrir un directorio Conexión cerrada”
[OCC::SyncJournalDb::close Closing DB “/Users/luismi/Nextcloud/._sync_5695e7f17a0d.db”
[OCC::SyncEngine::finalize CSync run took 365374 ms
[OCC::SocketListener::sendMessage Sending SocketAPI message → “STATUS:OK:/Users/luismi/Nextcloud” to SocketApiSocket(0x600003437b60)
[OCC::Folder::slotSyncFinished Client version 2.6.4stable (build 20200303) Qt 5.12.5 SSL OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019
[OCC::Folder::slotSyncFinished SyncEngine finished with ERROR
[OCC::Folder::showSyncResultPopup Folder sync result: 2

It also fails me with small files.

So it fails for all files?
Can you check the server log files?

What logs? I don’t know what logs I have to look at … Do you mean the Apache ones?

Nextcloud itself has a log file.

Your webserver as well.

Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DeadlockException: An exception occurred while executing ‘UPDATE oc_file_locks SET lock = 1, ttl = ? WHERE key = ? AND lock = -1’ with params [1586963090, “files/ef8cc46b2bb5795be0ee3590b356ad46”]: SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction