Symlink inside data folder seems not to work

I have set my data directory outside the NextCloud folder structure on a USB Stick, which works fine. Now, i want additionally to use the gallery App. All my Photos are on a HDD with ext2 System. I have added now a Symlink to the Folder on this hdd which contains the pictures from inside the data directory and changed the ownship of the symlink to the webserver user.

But i cant see the symlinked folder and its contents in the files App and Gallery. What could i do?

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Symlinks in the data folder are not supported:

Have a look at the external storage feature that also allows to access local files in other folders (webserver user must be able to read it).

Is it possible to External Storage Support AND the feature to stay logged in or is there any reason, why this feature is disabled with External Storage Support?

There should be a fix for NC 11:

The release candidate is out, so feel free to test it.

After Upgrading to Version 11, i couldn’t found a Checkbox for “Stay logged in” or similar if i have External Storage App enabled. If i disable External Storage, the Checkbox is available.

Are there any chance that we can get both, the External Storage and the “Stay logged in” Feature?

Then please open a new bug report at


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