Stuck in loop "Web install > (HTTP) 500 Internal Server Error > Web install > ..."

Hi Nextcloud community,

I’ve been curious about Nextcloud for quite some time, and decided it was time to take the plunge and explore it on my own machine (= a rented, dedicated server). It runs:

  • CentOS 7.9
  • cPanel v96.0.14
  • PHP 7.4

I’ve tried to use the web installer by downloading “setup-nextcloud.php”, uploading that to the root directory of my newly created subdomain (e.g. “”), and then opening that file in a browser.

At first everything seems to work just fine… the setup wizard opens, I click “Next”, the dependency check tells me “All Nextcloud dependencies found”, I leave the default installation directory “nextcloud”, click in “Next” again…

Then, after a few seconds, the “Success, Nextcloud is now installed” page loads, I click “Next” again…

I create the admin account, choose “MySQL/MariaDB” under “Storage & Database”, provide my database credentials (I am 100% certain they are correct and not misspelled), add cPanel’s default port “:3306” after “localhost”… and finally click in “Finish Setup”…

A few seconds go by, and then I get “HTTP ERROR 500”.

Reloading the page then drops me back into the “Create an admin account” page.

I’ve tried deleting the downloaded files in the root directory, and re-download them, I’ve tried installing from a manually uploaded “” archive, and I’ve repeatedly deleted the current MySQL database and create a new one.

All to no avail, I never get past the above stated loop.

Sub-optimal effort on my part, I’m sure - but I just can’t for the life of me figure out what it is I’m doing wrong. And my Google-Fu seems to have failed me as well.

I’d be super-grateful for any tips, hints, pointers any of you could provide - thanks much!!

After much trial and error, I was able to get Nextcloud up and running. For some reason, which I do not understand at all since I never got any error message beyond the dreaded “HTTP ERROR 500” above, the only way to get the Webinstall via Nextcloud’s “setup-nextcloud.php” to complete was to downgrade the server’s PHP version all the way back to 7.3, and even then the installation process initially ended with yet another “HTTP ERROR 500”, but following a few page reloads would then redirect me to Nextcloud’s “Dashboard” page.

I attempted the installation under PHP 7.4, PHP 8, and then finally 7.3, which ultimately worked. And yes, I did check if all required PHP extensions were installed with each version above, using:

php -m |egrep -I 'reqmodule_1| reqmodule_2| ... | reqmodule_n'

So, hopefully this might be a helpful pointer for someone else desperately looking to complete the installation process but stuck with the vague “HTTP ERROR 500”.

a) if you don’t mind change to ubuntu.
b) try my new playbook on a brand new vhost.

this will give a installation like this: Nextcloud 22 Installationsanleitung v. 3.2 – Carsten Rieger IT-Services

c) if you want to stick to centos use the master branch of my playbook. i’m not sure if it’s still working. but you may open a ticket in github.

btw: http error 500 means you have a problem with database and/or redis.

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