Hi Nextcloud community,
I’ve been curious about Nextcloud for quite some time, and decided it was time to take the plunge and explore it on my own machine (= a rented, dedicated server). It runs:
- CentOS 7.9
- cPanel v96.0.14
- PHP 7.4
I’ve tried to use the web installer by downloading “setup-nextcloud.php”, uploading that to the root directory of my newly created subdomain (e.g. “cloud.mydomain.com”), and then opening that file in a browser.
At first everything seems to work just fine… the setup wizard opens, I click “Next”, the dependency check tells me “All Nextcloud dependencies found”, I leave the default installation directory “nextcloud”, click in “Next” again…
Then, after a few seconds, the “Success, Nextcloud is now installed” page loads, I click “Next” again…
I create the admin account, choose “MySQL/MariaDB” under “Storage & Database”, provide my database credentials (I am 100% certain they are correct and not misspelled), add cPanel’s default port “:3306” after “localhost”… and finally click in “Finish Setup”…
A few seconds go by, and then I get “HTTP ERROR 500”.
Reloading the page then drops me back into the “Create an admin account” page.
I’ve tried deleting the downloaded files in the root directory, and re-download them, I’ve tried installing from a manually uploaded “nc.zip” archive, and I’ve repeatedly deleted the current MySQL database and create a new one.
All to no avail, I never get past the above stated loop.
Sub-optimal effort on my part, I’m sure - but I just can’t for the life of me figure out what it is I’m doing wrong. And my Google-Fu seems to have failed me as well.
I’d be super-grateful for any tips, hints, pointers any of you could provide - thanks much!!