Strings in english source not complete


There are strings missing in the English source in Transifex so those strings cannot be translated to other languages in transifex. Examples of missing Strings are:

Address”, “Untagged”, “Import & Export”, Sorting"

and there are others.

Best regards
Stefan Sundberg

@marcelklehr @timewind is right, there are several translations missing in the app. Do you want us to open an issue ticket for them or are you already aware of it?

These are strings from the category list:

These are strings from the settings dialog in the lower left corner of the app:

  1. All translations exist, but
  • the first one is not used.
  • the second one is in a different order “Export & Import” <> “Import & Export”.
  • the third and fourth is also not used.
  1. All three translation don’t exist.

  2. A translation doesn’t exist.

  3. Both translations don’t exist.

  4. A translation doesn’t exist.

This is from the bookmark details dialog:

Yes I would be great. Two other “bugs” I found is the top icon description which is always “Bookmarks” and the two icons in the upper right corner of the app (grid and list view) which descriptions are not affected by the translations.

Best regards
Stefan Sundberg