After upgrading to the latest stable release (19.0.2), I’m noticing that when I go to the root page, I see the “#app-navigation” page in a really strange way. Here’s a screenshot:
I tried to disable the “#app-navigation” thing and just revert back to the previous behaviour, which was to land on the “apps/files” URL, but could not find a way to do so.
Before filing a bug, I decided to ask here and see if anyone else is experiencing this.
My setup: nextcloud 19.0.3, nginx 1.19.0, php 7.4.10, mariadb 10.5, redis 5.0, on debian 10.6. Nothing unsual or strange in logs. What should I look for?
It seems the website is not fully loaded. Perhaps you can use “Network Analysis” in the browser and find not loaded elemets. Also test another browser or deactivate browser-blocker.