Storing Email Journals for Auditing Purposes

I would like to store the email journal in storage for auditing purposes when sending emails. Does the Nextcloud Mail app have the functionality for an email journal? If not, is it easy to create the email journal functionality by extending the Mail app?

Is it not much easier to implement this on the mail server (it will then also work for mails that are not passed through the web interface)? Just put a copy of all outgoing mails into an auditing mailbox?

I haven’t seen this in the mail app. If you wanted to implement it here, there is probably some code where the mail is sent and you could add the functionality to send a copy at this location as well. That itself is probably not difficult. Having it nicely integrated with config options in the menus etc., that is probably a bit more difficult.


Is it not much easier to implement this on the mail server
→Sure, I’m also considering using outgoing mail archiving with postfix.
Postfix After-Queue Content Filter

Just put a copy of all outgoing mails into an auditing mailbox?
→Yes, I would like to have a storage space for my mailboxes. It doesn’t matter if it is a mailbox or S3 storage. As long as it is ready for immediate retrieval.

So journal saving is not common in email apps? Thank you.

It does not seem too difficult:

mail apps are potentially under control of the user, so I suppose for auditing this is not great. I found in Thunderbird you can define filters to forward mails (but as a user you can easily disable this).

Thank you very much.
We will definitely take this into consideration.