Spell checker is not working

Spell checker is not working though enabled in Advanced Settings. I found that even the folder SpellChecker is missing in documentserver/… Is it disabled functionality for the community version?

UPD: Spellchecker works correctly when using external desktop client connected with NC.

I too am having this problem, any known solutions or work arounds?

Same here
latest stable build on everything
Ubuntu 18.04.4

Try as follow:

sudo -i
npm install -g npm
supervisorctl stop all
apt-get install build-essential git
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
supervisorctl start all

Hi @jazadev,

habe ich durchgefĂĽhrt, leider keine Besserung. (CentOS7)

How this should help?.. I installed npm, though it doesn’t help with language proof-reading… I even will be glad if standard Chrome proof-reading in text frames may work, but it doesn’t.

Is there any update from Nextcloud devs or whomever support document server for Nextcloud? I would hope that spellcheck is a critical function of being able to use a document editor in Nextcloud. Is there a plan or roadmap to implement (fix) spellcheck on Nextcloud Onlyoffice?

Thank you.

The procedure most be excecute as root (not sudo). It’s because npm uses original user Id.

Sorry, I update the steps above. Previously the installation guide (https://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/server/linux/document/linux-installation.aspx) partially described how to solve this problem, but now it doesn’t and the shared assumes it is located in the SpellChecker directory. I update as follows:

sudo -i
npm install -g npm
apt-get install build-essential git
cd /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/SpellChecker/
supervisorctl stop all
mv node_modules/ node_modules_old/
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
supervisorctl start all

You can found other workarounds here: https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/312

Hello @jazadev,

Thank you for this reply! I’m not understanding your instructions on how to add spell check to the onlyoffice documentserver App in Nextcloud? I’m also not seeing the same location of files that you are? I’ve installed document server on my Nextcloud and my location of document server would be in my apps folder of Nextcloud:


I’ve searched and I can see “SpellChekcer” referenced in Help and Images folders only.

Also, is it that you are removing (renaming) the node_modules and after updating the document server app will download a new version of node_modules? Is this what adds Spell check to the App documentserver?

Thank you.

Same problem, did you ever find a fix?

Do you have a solution in CentOS?

I have a nice news. With the last update of the community version of OnlyOffice I found that spellchecker is working, plus it is possible to select other languages!
