Good Morning!
I recently upgraded my elasticsearch from 7.x to 8.11 since i have read this information:
First thing i have been mistaken to let the old plugin installed so i started new by removing it
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove ingest-attachment
So after that i re-installed the elasticsearch, tesseract etc. and implemented the new “imediate upgrader” by
see: Nextcloud Volltextsuche mit Elasticsearch 8 - Carsten Rieger IT-Services
So my question:
What performance tips do you have e.g. for the
I have a RAM consumtion of 10G (whole Server has 18 G RAM) and set the java option to
# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space
Is this value too high? I had set it to 4g but i got curl errors so i increased the values following this article
Does anyone have proposals for elastic search configuration?
My fulltextsearch is also set to search in groupfolders (big ones with tons of files - pdf, txt, epub, jpg, etc.)