Some files have not passed the integrity check: Dropbox and Calendar; OPcache


I have just installed NextCloud on my server and I have received the following error message:

Technical information

The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix


  • core
      • OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
      • Signature could not get verified.
  • files_external
      • 3rdparty/Dropbox/API.php
  • calendar
      • .gitignore

Raw output

[core] => Array
        [EXCEPTION] => Array
                [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                [message] => Signature could not get verified.


[files_external] => Array
        [INVALID_HASH] => Array
                [3rdparty/Dropbox/API.php] => Array
                        [expected] => a6866ef3ceeb26d9d4b2ccc343aeaf626c82f03e279962bc7d761a68e87e5a7916ff0bcf7a350e20889557336ed9c5dd1651cfe513fa04bb8a03cd6d8f9cc484
                        [current] => 917eed2c4f6359a4d0b8658a36404c83344b0bf72ccda614dd59f97d099b3d9ef4e86691401c64d3754c3f7e0fa163eab946a25dbc7bc65e1694ffd47a054317



[calendar] => Array
        [FILE_MISSING] => Array
                [.gitignore] => Array
                        [expected] => 2ebfa9d965d970eb2f3356f80cbff785c90c9a0d7634b406e49cd4e311826eb4abb482d8be75557cff491837881af2795fc4bd3a8e8d42b24c56d3b53b9b5dee
                        [current] => 




I have tried to go in and edit the core > shipped.json file and I haven’t been able to find the lines where I input the appropriate code.

Furthermore, I have entered the recommended “OPcache” code into the PHP.Ini file and I’m still getting the error message.

Can I have some help?

Donald Louch

more info about your setting, environment, versions and logs would be helpful


The problem with the calendar is a known issue:

The first error with “InvalidSignatureException” could be related, as the file is missing to verify the signature. But not too sure about that.

A similar thing with a changed signature happened to me once, too. I edited a file and after the changes the signature was of course not the same. Have you made changes to 3rdparty/Dropbox/API.php?

So I have changed the Update Channel to “Daily” and it has fixed the:


@Schmu, I have tried going to that thread and tried the “curl -LJO” solution and that has seemed to not have fixed the problem. Thanks for the suggestion though!!! I shall keep my eye out on that thread!

@JimmyKater I have the basic settings set! I am running on CENTOS 7.4 kvm with WHM/cPanel! I am on NextCloud version 12.0.3 RC2 Build:2017-09-17T01:01:14+00:00 bc88484e7f34a3d62e5b89c08eaa0b5c439dbe4f! As for the logs, I don’t know where I go to find them!

I’m still getting the “The PHP OPcache is not properly configured. For better performance we recommend to use following settings in the php.ini:” error, even though I have enabled OPcache on my server and have added the recommended OPcache into the Ini file!

New error message:

Technical information

The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix


  • calendar
      • .gitignore

Raw output

[calendar] => Array
        [INVALID_HASH] => Array
                [.gitignore] => Array
                        [expected] => 2ebfa9d965d970eb2f3356f80cbff785c90c9a0d7634b406e49cd4e311826eb4abb482d8be75557cff491837881af2795fc4bd3a8e8d42b24c56d3b53b9b5dee
                        [current] => 768c2a8d21e5fcc65663c4d8cfcb836af65860f67d9d8fdb4a7cc83238234a8fe83a89cb4135ed33f6e618372581f84d197aa9fcfe0d29a29930168622874da6




hey donald… i was asking more in general… b/c there are bazillion ways to run nc in myriads environments. so whenever possible pls don’t hesitate to post as much details as possible. best would be if you’d install app “issue template” and post it’s output here with every issue you face.

as for your latest error: you now are running a rc (aka still beta) software. could be a possible bug… could be something else. i really don’t know. not enough information about your environment ( see above :wink:)

but there are similar issues in the forum… maybe you wanna check them out?
Warning: PHP Opcache not properly configured
Nextcloud 12 Beta 2 PHP Opcache is not properly configured

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