Some files did not pass integrity checks

Version information:
Operating system: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
NextCloud: NextCloud Hub 8 (29.0.1)
Collabora Online -Built-in CODE Server:24.4.201
Nextcloud Office:8.4.2

I found an error in Overview - Security and Settings Warning: Some files have not passed the integrity check

I clicked on the List of invalid files See more detailed information as follows:

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- richdocuments.bak
		- Exception
		- App not found

Raw output
    [richdocuments.bak] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => Exception
                    [message] => App not found



I noticed richdocuments.bak, which I added as a backup to the original directory file when upgrading NextCloud Office. However, I did not delete it in a timely manner after the upgrade. Instead, I restarted the HTTP program. However, I later deleted it, but still displayed this error. I can be certain that this directory no longer exists on my server. Although my NextCloud Office is still functioning properly, it seems a bit uncomfortable to see this error.

I need some solutions to resolve this error now, but after reviewing the information and rescanning the app’s code signature, it still doesn’t work. Is there any other way to handle it?

In this case the underlying cause looks like it’s likely connected with the “apps not found” error within the integrity check.

Since the manual backup was located in your apps folder, the backup version of the app would have been detected by Nextcloud as another app in its own right.

(I wouldn’t suggest storing anything backed up manually within the Nextcloud file tree itself for this reason).

I believe an occ app:remove should still work from the command line.

How should I handle this error?

How should I handle this error?

I answered that: