I solved it by running php occ files:scan-app-data while logged in as user www-data.
Your stack trace look a bit different so I don’t know if it’s specific to an app or something else. I had also previously run the following commands, which might be worth trying as well:
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried all the commands. Unfortunately, it did not solve my problem, but the command: scan-app-data returned the following error:
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan-app-data
Scanning AppData for files
Path not found: /appdata_oc1njr7k29sp
Here is an on my issue. I found that the instanceid is now in the config.php file and not the database. So what I did was just add an x to instanceid that was already set.
Once that was updated, I ran the command for scan-app-data.
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan-app-data
The error was the same. Rechecking my config.php for the datadirectory path I wanted to see if an appdata directory existed. Of course, there was nothing there. I created a new appdata directory named like so…
The folder was created under the datadirectory path. Verified and set the correct permissions for the folder. I re-ran scan-app-data, and it said it was found! I fired up the web browser and low and behold it now loads, and I can log in.
On a side note, my nextcloud has updated a few times since I started looking at this issue and is now on version
I’m running Nextcloud 17 in a Docker on Unraid and was getting a similar “Could not create path” error when trying to log into the UI and @jrivera’s “scan-app-data” suggestion got me going in the right direction, ultimately landing on the following run from within the Docker container (I have no idea why my user is “abc”): sudo -u abc -s /bin/bash -c "php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan-app-data"