(SOLVED) 250$: WebDAV + MS Office - request login/password every time on saving new documents

I pay 250$ if someone can create me .reg files or a scirpt to set all necessary settigns ot make this issue not appear on windows server 2022:

When open MS document from mapped WebDAV disk, MS Office ask request login/password every time on saving new documents.

I know this is a Windows / Office Issue, but I think there needs to be a Registry Setting to make it just work as it works with any other tool like notepad etc.

Nextcloud version 27.1.1
PHP version 8.1.22
mysql version: 8.0.34

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Install
  2. Try to use mapped WebDAV disk with MS Office

hi @f9fjd!

I’m not after your reward and didn’t spent lot of time looking into issue. but my short test mounting Nextcloud via webdav was not such easy as I expected.

  1. I didn’t find the way to mount WebDAV folder from Explorer…
  2. ended with command line (which is good enough for me)
    `net use g: https://cloud.my.domain/remote.php/dav/files/myusername /user:myusername /persistent:yes
  3. maybe this reg key is required (set it before already)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel = 2
  4. folder is visible in Explorer and simple text files can be created and edited without issues
  5. editing files with LibreOffice (no MS Office available) results in more or less same issue like you have
    a. password request
    b. if you mark [Remember password] there is another dialog telling you the "master password is required once per session

it makes me think there might be some silly Windows “security” feature… requesting password from Office suite (but why simple editor works without issues?)

From : Mounting folders via WebDAV

The built-in Windows client might repeatedly ask your for your credentials. In that case you might need to enable Basic Authentication:

and Mounting a Shared Folder using WebDAV on Windows

both mention BasicAuthLevel = 2 which i set in my tests and restarted the service (but I didn’t reboot - maybe this is the key).

Maybe this helps you as well:

In general I would recommend you to use Nextcloud desktop client or maybe some 3rd party WebDAV application which might work better than integrated Windows WebDAV client.


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When open MS document from mapped WebDAV disk, MS Office ask request login/password every time on saving new documents.

I know this is a Windows / Office Issue, but I think there needs to be a Registry Setting to make it just work as it works with any other tool like notepad etc.

Nextcloud version 27.1.1
PHP version 8.1.22
mysql version: 8.0.34

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Install
  2. Try to use mapped WebDAV disk with MS Office

@wwe it would be very nice to get this running, sadly setting the registry-key doesn’t help. a reboot doesn’t change anything as it seems.

No. It’s an Office problem.
When you open an Office document via a WebDAV mount, the Office app (either MSOffice or Libre Office or whatever Office app) is forced to establish its own connection to the server (therefore the credentials are asked).

You can monitor this in the “Security" tab of your personal settings on the web frontend of your Nextcoud, where all connected clients are listed sorted by most recent activity:


I don’t use MS Office myself, but Libre Office has the option to permanently save the credentials for this connection. Additionally, you can consider protecting it with a master password, which is annoying because you have to add the master password every time you start a session:

So you should dig into the security settings of your MS Office and search for “Passwords for Web Connections” like Liber Office has. If you can’t find it, change to Libre :wink:

Much luck,

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solved it now .

What was your solution?
