Social app first official Beta available

I dunno if you’ve seen it but there is first ever beta version of social out since some days… (only for NC 25 right now)

grab it, install it, test it, report bugs, help improving it!


and of course this might be something for you as well, dear @bug-hunters

1 Like

After installing and activating it, the “webfinger” warning appeared in /settings/admin/overview. A glance at the log revealed Social as the culprit. Please investigate why it grabs /index.php/.well-known/webfinger, and if that’s on purpose, make sure the Actor is available to handle it. Here’s the nextcloud.log entry (jq-formatted):

  "reqId": "B7mbg4cEvTPFnBY1e4LL",
  "level": 3,
  "time": "2023-02-03T18:22:00+01:00",
  "remoteAddr": "",
  "user": "nursoda.admin",
  "app": "index",
  "method": "GET",
  "url": "/index.php/.well-known/webfinger",
  "message": "Actor not found",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0",
  "version": "",
  "exception": {
    "Exception": "OCA\\Social\\Exceptions\\ActorDoesNotExistException",
    "Message": "Actor not found",
    "Code": 0,
    "Trace": [
        "file": "/server/nc/apps/social/lib/Service/CacheActorService.php",
        "line": 193,
        "function": "getFromUsername",
        "class": "OCA\\Social\\Db\\ActorsRequest",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/apps/social/lib/WellKnown/WebfingerHandler.php",
        "line": 111,
        "function": "getFromLocalAccount",
        "class": "OCA\\Social\\Service\\CacheActorService",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/apps/social/lib/WellKnown/WebfingerHandler.php",
        "line": 83,
        "function": "handleWebfinger",
        "class": "OCA\\Social\\WellKnown\\WebfingerHandler",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/private/Http/WellKnown/RequestManager.php",
        "line": 78,
        "function": "handle",
        "class": "OCA\\Social\\WellKnown\\WebfingerHandler",
        "type": "->"
        "function": "OC\\Http\\WellKnown\\{closure}",
        "class": "OC\\Http\\WellKnown\\RequestManager",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
          "*** sensitive parameters replaced ***"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/private/Http/WellKnown/RequestManager.php",
        "line": 79,
        "function": "array_reduce"
        "file": "/server/nc/core/Controller/WellKnownController.php",
        "line": 55,
        "function": "process",
        "class": "OC\\Http\\WellKnown\\RequestManager",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php",
        "line": 225,
        "function": "handle",
        "class": "OC\\Core\\Controller\\WellKnownController",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php",
        "line": 133,
        "function": "executeController",
        "class": "OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/private/AppFramework/App.php",
        "line": 172,
        "function": "dispatch",
        "class": "OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/private/Route/Router.php",
        "line": 298,
        "function": "main",
        "class": "OC\\AppFramework\\App",
        "type": "::"
        "file": "/server/nc/lib/base.php",
        "line": 1047,
        "function": "match",
        "class": "OC\\Route\\Router",
        "type": "->"
        "file": "/server/nc/index.php",
        "line": 36,
        "function": "handleRequest",
        "class": "OC",
        "type": "::"
    "File": "/server/nc/apps/social/lib/Db/ActorsRequest.php",
    "Line": 111,
    "CustomMessage": "--"

Server is behind nginx proxy running on nginx using a (pimped) NGINX config. No issue when Social is disabled. Just created an issue for this.

1 Like

There are more log messages under /settings/admin/logging

/var/www/html/custom_apps/social/lib/Service/CacheActorService.php - line 193:

/var/www/html/custom_apps/social/lib/WellKnown/WebfingerHandler.php - line 111:

and so on…

The error message "Actor not found" comes out of social/lib/Db/ActorsRequest.php probably when getActorsSelectSql() doesn’t return valid data (or any data).

         * Return Actor from database based on the username
         * @throws ActorDoesNotExistException
         * @throws SocialAppConfigException
        public function getFromUsername(string $username): Person {
                $qb = $this->getActorsSelectSql();
                $this->limitToPreferredUsername($qb, $username);

                $cursor = $qb->executeQuery();
                $data = $cursor->fetch();

                if ($data === false) {
                        throw new ActorDoesNotExistException('Actor not found');

                return $this->parseActorsSelectSql($data);

One thing I notice quickly is that there’s a column in oc_social_actor named "deleted" that is not represented in TABLE_ACTORS.


public const TABLE_ACTORS = 'social_actor';

 self::TABLE_ACTORS => [
MariaDB [nextcloud]> describe  oc_social_actor;
| Field              | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id_prim            | varchar(32)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| id                 | longtext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| user_id            | varchar(63)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| preferred_username | varchar(127) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name               | varchar(127) | YES  |     |         |       |
| summary            | longtext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| public_key         | longtext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| private_key        | longtext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| avatar_version     | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| creation           | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| deleted            | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
11 rows in set (0.002 sec)

in social/lib/Db/ActorsRequestBuilder.php

 * Base of the Sql Select request for Shares
 * @return SocialQueryBuilder
protected function getActorsSelectSql(): SocialQueryBuilder {
        $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder();

        /** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */
                '', 'a.id_prim', 'a.user_id', 'a.preferred_username', '', 'a.summary',
                'a.public_key', 'a.avatar_version', 'a.private_key', 'a.creation', 'a.deleted'
           ->from(self::TABLE_ACTORS, 'a');

        $this->defaultSelectAlias = 'a';

        return $qb;

getActorsSelectSql() returns the column named deleted along with the other columns. I don’t know if the column named deleted column makes a difference.