Social Alpha3 - How to upgrade


Haven’t announced anything about the Social App for a while… but the project is back on track! :smile_cat:
You can already download the last release of the app here and will be available on the Appstore in the next hours/days.

Alpha 3

This release is now compatible with Nextcloud, up to 19.
Beside fixing a lot of small issues, the huge improvement is the new database and its index.


The process of upgrading the Social App is the same than any other app: you can download the file and extract its content in your apps/ folder or directly from the appstore within your Nextcloud.

However once upgraded, if you start using the app, you will notice that your accounts are lost and all timeline are empty.
This is a normal behavior; this Alpha3 creates all new tables but it kept your old data in the old tables.


There is no auto-migration during this upgrade. The Alpha3 creates and uses it’s own tables but we will see how to migrate old data from the Alpha2.1.

  1. If you just upgraded to Alpha3 and opened the Social App in your web browser, you already created a new account in your new tables. You might want to remove this new account so that you can migrate data from your old tables.
./occ social:reset

Please note that because this will reset all data:

  • it should only be run right after the migration to Alpha3 and before any real use of the Social App.
  • The command only destroy data from the new tables. Old tables from Alpha2.1 will not be affected.
  • If you already started using Alpha3, and do not want to reset your data, there “should” be no problem to migrate your old data on top of existing one: just skip the social:reset step.
  1. Start the migration. This will copy some data and generate a first batch of ‘index’ data. At this point, your backup is still available so you can go back to step 1 in case problems appears during the migration process:
 ./occ social:migrate:alpha3
  1. Check your setup and fix some link to some index.
  ./occ social:check:install
  1. Last step: generate index. This might takes a while:
  ./occ social:check:install --index


If you had no errors, you can assume that you are using Social App Alpha3 and your migration is over. Of course, at this point, the old tables are still available. You can check that your account your followers/following and your message are still here.

If everything looks fine for you, you can remove old tables from Alpha2.1 using this command:

 ./occ social:migrate:alpha3 --force-remove-old-tables

Social regards,
