SnappyMail : an error occurred

I recently (re-)installed NextCloud, basics are perfectly working.

I then installed SnappyMail app, but I’m now getting that message (from SnappyMail admin “” and the normal SnappyMail link “”) :

An error occurred.
Please refresh the page and try again.Failed loading /apps/snappymail/app/snappymail/v/2.28.4/static/js/min/libs.min.js


I checked, the file is present.
On my previous installation, SnappyMail used to work, without any edit.

What manipulations should I do to make it work ?

Searching past bug reports turned up this:

The .htaccess in /apps/snappymail/app/snappymail/v/2.28.4/static/ file was named _htaccess, and its content was the same as in the post that you linked (last modification). So I renamed _htaccess to .htaccess and restarted nginx, as well as php.

The error persists :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Don’t know. Might be worth following up there. Dev(s) seem pretty responsive.

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Oh, something strange happened.

My Nextcloud was installed on my Yunohost server. “Back then” (first install), it was on a subdomain.

Recently, for some dumb reason (I had synchronization problems, was blaming NC) I removed it.
Until I realized that it was something else causing that issue. So I reinstalled it, in a subfolder on the domain. And got that concern with SnappyMail.

A few minutes ago, I moved the installation from the subfolder to the subdomain (easy to do with Yunohost) and voilà, SnappyMail is back. :smiley:

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