Smb sharing with windows


I use nextcloud 15 on a debian 9 VM on Windows 10.
I have a big folder on Windows ans I want To use it on nextcloud.

Son I share this folder and activate external étirage. But I don’t achieve To configure SMB share on nextcloud.

I use :
Host : \
Partage name : Photos (set on Windows)
Subfolder : none
Domaine : none

And for user / pwd I don’t know what To use. On Windows I don’t have multiple users and I don’t have password.

Thank for your help

Try to share this folder with your debian VM, mount it if needed and then added in NC as external Sotrage - local. This will be more efficient as SMB.

Sorry I don’t fully understand. By sharing with VM, how is it different from now ?

I do not know your setup. If you use something like VMWare, or Hyper-V. Just google it how to share folder between Local and Guest host. E.g. for Hyper-V it could be:

Then you should be able to added it as local storage into NC as per here

Good idea !
I use workstation, I try to share my folder but I don’t find it in my debian VM :confused:

To be honest do not know as not working with Win 10 :slight_smile:
But here was different way used as you want it at begging via SMB:

Or some manual here:

Try to provide your NC Following SMB Config: //IP_OR_NAME_OF_PC/SHARED_FOLDER_NAME in your particular way it could be // User is your Windows user.

It works ok, I have to install vmware tools into my debian guest to see my mounted folder. Now I can access inside nextcloud like a local folder.

Thank for your help !

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U can mount the share to drive z:
or use sftp to its more secure or was it more like ssh dont remember