Sharing music playlists with other users

Hello, I am using a single music library on Nextcloud 28 with multiple users.

Is it possible to share playlists between users somehow?


I think you must share the directory with the files.

Thanks devnull, we are already sharing the folder with the files.

But is there a way to share Nextcloud Music playlists that one user account makes, with the other account?

I found the answer indirectly from one of your other posts: Looking for the Music app on Nextcloud UI

I use the Music app, not audio player. There is a feature request made already for sharing playlists here: Share playlists between user accounts 路 Issue #852 路 owncloud/music 路 GitHub

So it鈥檚 not possible today using the UI.

However, it is possible using a cron job using the occ command for those who are so inclined: Option to sync playlists with playlist files/folder 路 Issue #832 路 owncloud/music 路 GitHub

thats correct. sharing is currently not available in the Audio Player.
Due to limited time available and the focus on the Analytics app, there is also not real roadmap at the moment