Sharing from platforms


I haven’t figured out how to do this and am not sure if its even possible… so thought I’d create this post…

We have Nextcloud running as a server that houses everything… its our central cloud… if I install on my phone, or desktop the NC application, I can sync whichever folders I would like kept synced.

It would be awesome if there was a way to be able to say jump on my desktop, right click on any file/folder/any drive even if outside of NC synced folder and be able to create a shareable link… idea being instead of me moving files/folders to the NC folder, then uploading it to the cloud first then being able to share it, having the option to say no do not upload to cloud server, but you may temporarily share this file or folder directly from your desktop and nextcloud just processes the action…

No, i think that is not possible. The file would still have to be exchanged or transmitted somehow via the Nextcloud server, as the recipient has no direct access to the sender’s infrastructure, which is usually located behind a NAT router. In addition, it would possibly be a security risk and it is very likely that the function is very rarely requested. But you can use alternative software for your feature.

But I have an alternative for you in Nextcloud. Create a Nextcloud folder, e.g. “temp”, and share it with the extended permissions “Read” and “Delete”. If you now want to give someone a few files, upload them to the folder. Ask the person to delete the files themselves after the download. The person can download it and delete it themselves. As long as the period of provision is short, you can also reuse the share, as the person who previously used it does not know when files were stored there again.

I truly appreciate your reply and honestly what you wrote is basically what I’m thinking as well… just simply not possible… the thought was if I have limited storage on my server, say 50gb but had a folder to share with someone thats 100gb, it just wouldnt happen… it would be neat if there was some way to stream the upload by only passing on fragments as its downloaded without needing to store it on the server… I guess realistic easy solution is to run NC at home instead on a remote server and problem solved…

also you made valid points about security risks and all that. I guess I was thinking if say I moved a folder locally to my shared NC drive, I just specify an option to make the file available but not actually have to send it to the server itself…

just a thought really, otherwise a good ole usb stick works just as good :slight_smile:

posted this question as I tried on Discord asking for a few months now and no one responded, so wanted to try here…

once again Thank you devnull. Appreciate your time!

There are some peer-to-peer tools. Maybe you find a tool here. Also you can use free file cloud uploader e.g. (max 5 GB), (max 2 GB per file), (max 2 GB per file). For security use e.g. AES256 ZIP encryption.