Shared user account for two people? (File access)

would it be possible to login with the same user at from different machines / geo locations at the same time?
Reason to share one user: both employees should get the same file access and rights and dont need any logging of their activities

Best - Daniel

Sure, why not?

You can also generate separate tokens for them, so you don’t have to tell them the actual password and are able to revoke the access for only one of them if you need to.

If you like you can also use two different users (looks more trustworthy) with access to the same data/folder (not tested).

  • install the app Group folders
  • add a group e.g. group
  • create two Nextcloud users user1 and user2
  • add both users to group group
  • create a group folder e.g. employees
  • add group group to group folder employees
  • set a quota to the group folder
  • set the quota of the users to 0 B :wink: