Settings dialog will not open on Nextcloud Desktop

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Some or all of the below information will be requested if it isn’t supplied; for fastest response please provide as much as you can :heart:

Nextcloud desktop version:

$ nextcloud --version
Nextcloud version 3.10.0-20230916.115628.ad2cf1b57-1.0~jammy1
Using Qt 5.15.3, built against Qt 5.15.3
Using Qt platform plugin 'xcb'
Using 'OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022'
Running on Linux Mint 21.1, x86_64

Installed from the PPA

The issue you are facing:

One on linux machine I am unable to open the Settings dialog for the desktop client. I can do this neither through right-clicking the tray icon and choosing settings, nor through the main window menu. When I try either way, simply nothing happens.

In case it is relevant, I recently upgraded this machine from Mint Linux 20.3, using the Mint upgrade tool to upgrade in place.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y

Can anyone help? I have another machine with the following versions which works fine:

Nextcloud version 3.9.4-20230908.164710.c8fec0118-1.0~jammy1
Using Qt 5.15.3, built against Qt 5.15.3
Using Qt platform plugin 'xcb'
Using 'OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022'
Running on Linux Mint 21.2, x86_64

Same here.
Its a fresh install of linuxmint.

$ nextcloud --version
Nextcloud version 3.4.2-1ubuntu1
Using Qt 5.15.3, built against Qt 5.15.2
Using Qt platform plugin ‘xcb’
Using ‘OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022’
Running on Linux Mint 21.2, x86_64

Same happens after an install of the ppa version
nextcloud.gui.application: Migrating old config from “/home/user/.local/share/Nextcloud” to “/home/user/.config/Nextcloud”
nextcloud.gui.application: Failed to move the old config directory to its new location ( “/home/user/.local/share/Nextcloud” to “/home/user/.config/Nextcloud” )
nextcloud.gui.application: Will move the individual files (“xxxxxx_sync.log”)
Nextcloud version 3.10.1-20231026.170839.adf8fc77b-1.0~jammy1
Using Qt 5.15.3, built against Qt 5.15.3
Using Qt platform plugin ‘xcb’
Using ‘OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022’
Running on Linux Mint 21.2, x86_64

now trying to remove these configs and start from scratch.

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I fixed this problem by completley reinstalling the nextcloud-client from the standard repo.